Friday, February 13, 2015

500 Likes Facebook Giveaway!!!!

 Ok, this is  a long time coming. I started Dirty Words over a year ago and did nothing with it. I literally sat and did not. a. thing. I wanted the name, knew I had a vision for what I wanted it to be, so I got the name.  Then....I made a new friend. It was all by chance, I happened to win some tickets to an author signing and already had some. So, I decided to give them away because I am the only die-hard reader I know. So I did, and I met her at the event. That is how I met, my right-hand (wo)man. So long story short, this is how Dirty Words became an actual blog, and not just a name.

After this whole story, which I am sure is long and boring, I have to say this. Thank you! To all of you, to our authors who have supported us, to the authors who have given a chance, and to the "likers" and "readers" because without all of you, there would just be a name. There would be nothing behind it. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I will continue to say it at 1 like, and I will say it a million times more at 20,000 likes. Yes, I hope that we grow to be one of the best. Because we will put in time and effort everyday. It will definitely never be perfect, but we owe it to ourselves, to you, and the authors to deliver the best that we can.  

 SOOOOOO, drumroll please....I give you our 500 likes giveaway!  Go forth and one click it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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